Whether you’re a beginner or an expert we’ve got you covered with the most complete list of common finger positions and inversions of the Gm chord on a banjo.
All of the following chord positions are based on a 4 or 5 string banjo tuned to standard open G tuning. If you are playing a 4 string banjo the finger position is the same for each chord. Just ignore the top (fifth) string.
The Most Common Gm Banjo Chord Position
The most common way to play the Gm chord on a banjo is:
- The fifth string is played open.
- Place your ring finger on the forth string behind the fifth fret.
- Place your index finger across the third and second string behind the third fret.
- Place your pinky finger on the first string behind the fifth fret.
Although this is the most common this is not the only way to play this chord. Once you have mastered this position, check out the Gm banjo chord inversions below for alternate finger positions to enhance your banjo playing skills.
Notes In A G Minor Chord
The Gm banjo chord includes the notes G, B flat and D.
- The G note (root) is played on the fifth string open and the forth and first string, fifth fret.
- The B Flat note (minor) is played on the third string, third fret.
- The D note (major) is played on the second string, third fret.
G Minor Banjo Chord Inversions
As you may know the same notes are available at many different positions on the banjo fretboard. An inversion is simply just another way of positioning your fingers on the banjo neck to play a familiar chord.
Below is a list of alternate finger positioning for Gm banjo chords. Have some fun with them, maybe you’ll figure out a new way to play an old song.
G Minor Banjo Chord Inversion 1
- The fifth string is played open.
- Place your middle finger on the forth string behind the eighth fret.
- Place your index finger on the third string behind the seventh fret.
- Place your ring finger on the second string behind the eighth fret.
- Place your pinky finger on the first string behind the eighth fret.
- The G note (root) is played on the fifth string open and the second string, eighth fret.
- The B Flat note (minor) is played on the forth and first string, eighth fret.
- The D note (major) is played on the third string, seventh fret.
G Minor Banjo Chord Inversion 2
- The fifth string is played open.
- Place your middle finger on the forth string behind the twelfth fret.
- Place your ring finger on the third string behind the twelfth fret.
- Place your index finger on the second string behind the eleventh fret.
- Place your pinky finger on the first string behind the twelfth fret.
- The G note (root) is played on the fifth string open and the third string, twelfth fret.
- The B Flat note (minor) is played on the second string, eleventh fret.
- The D note (major) is played on the forth and first string, twelfth fret.